Labels:bridge | daily | fence | reckoner | sea | sky OCR: 130- 810. Craniopharyngiomas may 81S0 exhibi ions of thehyperintense components The solid por ponents rmiass and the periphery the cystic COn stra tion often enhance fol llowing contrast admin atom icallvMR imaging best shows the Iass to be fferentiate separate from the pituitary, helping to C tion is the mass from an adenona The cal lcifica which is much more apparent on CT exarminatiol Inasses often useful in differentiation from othe ar entirely Less cormrmonly these turmours may apr rrounding solid or dermonstrate ring calcification a.cystic com iponent (Fig. 24.16). oronal Fig 24.16 Atypical craniopharyngioma trast Tl-weighted MR image (a fol low ing COr asolid adninistra tion showing enhancement llar cystic sellar Iass with a ring enhancing supra oatient cornponent .A CT image (b) of ...